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8 Must-Know Tips to Master your Next Program Launch

From the Community Corner (Shared by Sophie Bee)


I’ve been doing digital launches for products and services since 2013…So, in the digital world, I’m ancient :joy:

My name is Sophie and I’m the Co-Founder of Consistent Cash & Clients, a revolutionary 3-month online business coaching program that delivers high-value support for a one-time low-ticket price…with no upsell.

I work as an online marketing coach and launch strategist.

Launching used to be the bane of my existence. It was a hard and emotional rollercoaster. Over years and years of practice, refinement, and a ton of personal growth, I’ve mastered the art of online launches, and I’ve done a 6-figure Launch.

Here are my 8 tips for you to master your launches 👇



1. Recognize your launch for what it is – Sales Leverage 

I cannot tell you how often entrepreneurs tell me they want to run their businesses without launches…happens almost every day!

And I get it… when you aren’t great at launching yet, it’s uncomfortable and stressful.


But guess what? You still have to do everything associated with a launch to sell ANYTHING. This includes creating the offer, writing the sales copy, making the graphic, creating the sales and/or checkout page, marketing, and selling it.

The ONLY difference is that with a launch, you have Sales Leverage!

You have a deadline to work with…meaning, you have created urgency for those interested. So, they need to take the time to consider buying, instead of putting it off for a year or more.


2. Know your launch goal 

Almost everyone sees launching as just a way to make money. But that’s a misconception. I mean, yes, you’ll make money launching. But, that’s not the only reason to launch.

  • Are you looking to attract new prospects? 
  • Do you think you're looking to elevate the experience for your current clientele? 
  • Is this the beginning of your funnel or the end of your funnel? 
  • Are you upselling them from this offer into another one? 


You need to get clear on what you’re using the launch for.


3. Do not just “Post ‘N Pray” 

Dear entrepreneur…I know that the internet has brainwashed you into believing that Attraction Marketing is all you need. And, for 0.001% of you, that may be true.

But for the other 99.999% of us, posting and just hoping people click the link to buy your offer… isn’t a great strategy, OK?

The internet is littered with promotions… yours is just going to get lost in the fray. People buy from those that they feel a connection to. You must build rapport with your audience.


4. Have a plan 

  • Are you selling low, medium, or high tickets? 
  • How long do you need to create your offer? 
  • When is the launch date? 
  • How many products/spots do you want to sell? 
  • Based on how many you want to sell, how many people do you need to network with? 
  • How will you spread the word? How often will you market?
  • How will you build buyer confidence? 
  • Are you sending them to a sales page or a checkout page?


These are all critical components that must be considered so that you can show up and deliver!


5. Get the sales copy and graphic content done right

Your sales copy and graphics need to have a huge impact on your target niche, or they’ll just scroll on by. Gripping your ideal clients with a headline they can’t ignore, and wowing them with the right graphic goes a long way. 


When you market online, you have to stand out above the rest of the “noise” of the online space.


6. If it’s high ticket, have a sales page 

You DO NOT need a sales page for every offer. But, if someone is going to plunk down a huge sum of cash, a sales page goes a long way towards giving them confidence that your offer is the real deal.


Let’s face it…social media is full of scammers. If you want someone to drop $1000+ you should have a professional website that helps them feel confident and excited about saying, “Yes!”


7. Pre-Sell

All the uber-successful people I know, pre-sell. There are a lot of reasons for this – \

  1. First, it lights a fire under your ass to create your offer on a deadline 
  2. As soon as someone buys, you’re all in 
  3. It’s really hard to sell something after you’ve made it because you know too much about it.


Have you ever talked to someone who watched a TV show you’ve never seen, and they’re obsessed with it and tell you all these details that mean NOTHING to you…but they won’t shut up because they’re excited.


That’s what entrepreneurs do if they create their offer first, and then try to sell it…they’re annoying and the rest of us will politely nod but want nothing to do with it.


The pre-sell also helps you to under-promise and over-deliver. Your sales copy becomes your template for creating your offer, and inevitably you’ll add more to it. This creates an optimal buying experience.


8. The last 3 days are everything 

For mid and high-ticket offers, over 80% of the sales happen in the last 3 days of the launch.


So you can chill out, follow your plan, and then get ready to bring it and close those sales in the last 3 days. Honestly, had I known this 1 little nugget of information, I’d have saved myself a lot of failed launches from giving up too soon.


Launching is an art, a skill even…and any skill, you can master!

I hope that helps with your launching 🚀