How to use Zapier with

This article is a guide to how you can connect your account with Zapier and automate your success.



1. What is Zapier?

2. Zapier Automations

3. What can I use Zapier for?

4. Setup Zapier

5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


1. What is Zapier?

You can now connect your PassionApp with Zapier and unlock 3,000+ services to boost profits, engage clients and track app data… All on auto-pilot!


2. Zapier Automation

With Zapier integration, you can set up automated actions when a client:

  • Creates an account

  • Purchases a pricing plan

  • Cancels a subscription

  • Completes a lesson

  • Comments on a post

  • Writes a new chat message

  • Adds a new check-in to the progress tracker


3. What can I use Zapier for?

With 3000+ services, the possibilities are endless, but here are a few examples of how you can use Zapier to boost your app business:


✔ Make money automatically
Set up marketing emails to automatically handle promotions and keep customers engaged.

✔ Improve client success
Automate emails that respond to client actions, like welcoming new customers or celebrating their progress.

✔ Stay informed about client actions  
Get notifications for client activities such as purchases, cancellations, and progress in your app.

✔ Use your checkout systems  
Connect your external checkout to to sync purchases automatically.

✔ Analyze app performance 
Connect to analytics tools to track client behavior and app usage.


4. Setup Zapier

first impressions (26)

  • Go to Integrations.

first impressions (27)

  • Under Zapier, click on Connect Account

first impressions (29)

  • Login or Sign Up to your Zapier Account 


  • Click on Add Connection


  • Search for and press Connect 


  • Enter your credentials in the pop-up window


If you use your Facebook, Google, or Apple account to log in, the credentials to connect Zapier and Passion won't work. Please contact us so we can change your credentials to Email and Password. 


  • is now connected to your Zapier account and you can start creating zaps for your automation!


5. Frequently Asked Questions


What apps/tools can I connect to my app? 

You can connect your account to 3,000+ services/apps through Zapier. Explore more here.



I get an error message when I enter my email address and password after choosing

  • Make sure that you have entered your login credentials. If you’re unsure of your password, please reset your password first, and then try again.

  • If you use your Facebook, Google, or Apple account to log in, the credentials to connect Zapier and passion won't work. Please contact us so we can change your credentials to Email and Password. 

I get this message "We hit an error adding your new account"

  • When this happens, you can update your password and try again. This should fix the issue.


How do I set up ‘Zaps’ on the Zapier platform?

Zapier created an excellent Help Center showing you how to get the most out of your automated workflows here.


I connected my Zapier account to but the button still reads "Connect Account".


The “Connect account” button redirects you to the Zapier website, where you can connect your Passion account with Zapier.

Please keep in mind that the “Connect account” button will still be displayed on the page, even if your Passion account is already connected with Zapier. You can check the status of your connection in Zapier, by going to the My Apps menu item, Connections tab.