How to troubleshoot 404 Error

The 404 issue is common when surfing the web or trying to access the website. Learn how to identify and troubleshoot this issue.


1. Basic troubleshooting steps for 404 error

2. 404 error on Checkout Page

3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


1. Basic Troubleshooting for 404 Error:

The 404 error is common when accessing a webpage, indicating that the page might be deleted or moved. To resolve this issue, follow these simplified steps:

  • Refresh the Page:

    • For Windows, Linux, or Chrome OS: Press F5
    • For Mac: Press ⌘ + R
  • Clear Cookies and Cache:

    • Log out of the website
    • Clear browser cookies and cache
  • Try a Different Browser:

    • Log back into your PassionProduct App Builder/PassionFighters App using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome
  • Use Incognito Mode:

    • For Windows, Linux, or Chrome OS: Press Ctrl + Shift + n
    • For Mac: Press ⌘ + Shift + n


2. 404 Error on Checkout Page

If it’s a 404 error related to clicking a checkout page, you may want to check the following on your app builder:

Name & appearance - Ensure your App Name and Web App URL are available.

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Checkout URL - If the plan is on your Sales Page and you are using PassionPayments, leave the checkout URL field of the pricing plan widget blank.

To check if the checkout URL field is blank, go to My App ==> First Impressions ==> Sales Page and go to your Pricing Plan widget.

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Pricing Plan - Your pricing plan should include courses inside it, otherwise, the payment link might not work or your clients won’t be able to access the courses. 

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Course/s - Make sure the course/s you added to a pricing plan are published. Only those published courses can be added.



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. I have followed all the necessary steps mentioned above, yet I am still getting the 404 error. What should I do?

It is best to send us a request from here with a screen recording of the concern so we can diagnose it faster.

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