📹 Skip buttons are here

Click on the video to learn more

Posted on - March 28, 2024

Video improvements We've listened to your feedback and made improvements to our 📽️ video features 📽️. We made improvements to the way our platform manages video files, significantly improving video loading. But that’s not all…we’ve also added some new capabilities.

Here's what's new:

⏪ ⏩ Quick Skip: Skip forward or backward 15 seconds with just a click or double-tap!

💎 Brighter Thumbnails: We've made thumbnails shine brighter without the black overlay. Also, enjoy a cleaner interface with hidden progress bars and smaller overlays when hovering on videos in your web app.

⏸️ Easier Pause: Now, your end-users can just hit the space bar to pause videos on your web app.