1. Connecting your Zapier account to your account
2. Step 1: Setting up a Trigger
3. Step 2: Setting up an Action
4. Step 3: Test the notification
5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Get notified/notify your clients when they comment in the community
1. Connecting your Zapier Account to your Account
To connect your Zapier Account to your Account, check this article.
There are 2 steps to be completed to get notified/notify your clients when they complete a lesson.
1. Create a trigger
2. Set up an action
2. Step 1: Setting up a Trigger
- Choose App & Event: > Comment Created
Choose an account: Account
Set up trigger: You can choose All channels or specific ones
Test trigger: The test should be successful to move forward
3. Step 2: Setting up an Action
- Choose App & event: Recommend: - Email by Zapier > Send an outbound email
- Set up an action:
• Enter your email address- to notify yourself
• Select user email - to notify your clients
• Set up the email subject and body
• Choose the name you want to send the email from and the email address for replies - Test action: The test should say successful and don't forget to turn on the Zap
4. Step 3: Test the notification
Try completing a lesson in your app and check if you receive a notification
5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can I use a different tool to send an outbound email other than an Email by Zapier?
Yes. You can use any email marketing software that can be integrated with Zapier.
- How to use Zapier with
How to get notified/ notify your clients when they submit habit tracking using Zapier
How to get notified/ notify your clients when they complete a lesson using Zapier
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