There are two ways to give access to your app: manually and automatically (on mass)
1. How to give access manually
2. How to give access automatically (on mass)
3. Frequently Asked questions (FAQs)
Clients who purchase via PassionPayments or through the Branded App in Apple or Google should automatically gain access to the courses included in the plan.
1. How to give access manually
To create an account for a new client, follow the steps below: - Go to your web app (e.g., Before you do this, please log out of your account, or you can use an incognito window.
- Please enter the new client's email address and create a temporary password for them.
- Inform the client of their temporary password and let them know they can change it once they log in to your app. They can change it by clicking on Forgot Password? from the Sign In page.
- Log in to your account via
- Go to Users.
- Search for a client using the email address you just registered.
- Tap on the user card.
- Scroll down to find the plan you wish to activate.
2. How to give access automatically (on mass)
- New Clients: Connect to your checkout page using Zapier. For step-by-step check this article: Zapier - Connecting an external checkout page
- Existing Clients: You can import contacts from any platform that connects with Zapier. For step by step tutorial, watch this video:
3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
My client's plan is still not activated even after in-app purchase
In-app purchases should automatically activate but in case it doesn't, you can ask your client to try going to their Profile Settings, then click Restore Purchase. If you have multiple reports of in-app purchases not activating, please report it through the Tech Support Request Form.
My client is still unable to access the product.
Ask your clients to:
- Close and reopen the app (for branded apps)
- Sign out and back into the app
- Try a different browser: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari (for web app)
- Check whether the product is included in the pricing plan from your account. If it isn't, please click on the checkbox and save the pricing plan. The changes will then automatically be reflected on the web app.
Why is my deactivated client still showing up on PassionMetrics?
All users remain in PassionMetrics even if they are inactive.
We would recommend that you keep your inactive users and prospective clients on the list. This section shows the clients who purchased a plan (one-time/subscription) and the email addresses of those who showed interest by visiting the Web App or downloading the app but did not purchase.
Here are the benefits of having the email addresses of your prospective clients in Users:
1. You can include them in your marketing email list to do a follow-up and convert them into a paying client
2. You can send push notifications to them through PassionMessaging
3. You can conduct a survey and see if you can gather feedback from them to see why they did not purchase or what they are specifically looking for. This will help you improve and increase the value of what you're offering
If you still want to be able to remove app users from PassionMetrics, please send us an email request to remove a user so our team can remove it for you.
I want to give free access to an exclusive group of clients and I don't want my paying clients to see it. How do I do that?
You can duplicate a pricing plan and set it as free. Provide the pricing plan link to the exclusive group of clients and they will automatically have access once they login or sign up. Read more about How to create hidden pricing
My client cannot access the app from her phone.
You can recommend she log out, clear cache, and log back in. Or make sure that she has the latest version of the app from the App Store.